Monday, 24 October 2011

Different Treatment of Colds

Sigh... remember as a child, when I had a cold, everyone would be so worried. Like, mum would take me to see the doctors, and I would get 3 days off school. And I got specially made congee, and had sweet-tasting medicine.
Now, it is sooooo different.
I have a cold, though it is spring. Anyways, so mum heard me sniffling and somewhat coughing. She was like , 'You have a cold?', and I nodded. Then she was like, 'Oh, I told you to wear a jumper! Now you have a stupid cold. I am NOT taking you to the doctors, as getting that cold is your own fault!'
And she didn't even ask me how I felt. How mean!!!!!!!

Ahh... nostalgia...
Before, everyone at school was like, 'Oh, how are you feeling now?'. And the teacher always asked as well. Now, I don't even get a day off school. And students and teachers give you weird looks when you sneeze, and when you blow your nose.

Anyway, I have to do a history assignment due this Thursday. I AM SOOOO SAD!!!!!
~English assignment
~Maths homework
~Maths topic test
~Maths term test
~History assignment
~Music assignment/video
~Woodworks task
~Woodworks sheets
~Science assignment...
Sigh... over the weekends, I only finished the Science assignment...

Worst of all, basically all the assignments are 'Group Work'. And I agreed that I will give my part of the history assignment today, by 5:30pm. However, I have done only half of my part. :O

Now is 5:07. I should get to work.

I really don't want to...

Oh shit. It is 5:08. No more time-wasting.


OMFG- It is 5:09.

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