Guess who I am:
I cannot be seen, and cannot speak.
From the moment when I was born, I work and work endlessly, WITHOUT PAY until I die
I am in you RIGHT NOW!!! :O
I am a blood cell.
what a lame guess-who...
but still. Being a blood cell must be quite sad. They don't even get recognised for their work. And, they have millions and millions of twins.
And the worst thing is having a blood test.
Then, since they can't escape, they get drawn into a bottle. In the bottle, they die. :(
And I had a blood test!!
Just a regular checkup,
then the doctor was like 'You know, when was the last time you had a blood test?'
so I replied 'I'm not sure... quite a while ago, I suppose...'
then she was like 'oh, oh, in that case, GO HAVE A FUCKING BLOOD TEST NOW!!! *evil eyes*'
so I went
It wasn't that bad, there was hardly any pain.
In fact, I think papercuts are more painful.
But still... the sad life of a blood cell... imagine...
you are born (wtf... :L)
you float around the body
you carry shitloads of random good stuff to other cells...
the other cells take the good stuff, and give you bad stuff...
you can't breathe, oxygen is running out...
you arrive at the lungs/heart/whatever, and get rid of bad stuff...
and get loaded with good stuff... for others...
you do the same work again and again...
until, one day...
a sharp needle pokes through.
you think to yourself this is my chance to prove how heroic I am! I will become the hero, and be KNOWN ! I will stand out from my brother cells and sister cells (if there is such thing...)!!! CHARGE (sound of galloping horse echoes...) !!!
... but...
as you get there, you find yourself pulled along, INTO the needle!
you madly try to paddle away, but the force is too great...oh no...
So, the rest of the story is easy. You die, in the end. TT
and no-one is there to mourn you, much less give you a funeral...
how sad.
plus, from the blood test, I now have an ugly blue-red-ish bruise on my arm.
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