Thursday, 17 November 2011

Happy Birthday to Me!!!

So... a few days ago last week was my birthday.

It was soooo awkward. But, really fun and exciting in a way. I got presents from both parents, and my friends all got me something as well.

That EXTREMELY CLEAR AWESOME ARTSY SHOW-OFF-ISH PHOTO was taken by my new camera!!! If only it can take photos of itself... !!

And this blurry blurry photo was taken from my dsi camera.
Oh well...
If you look near the centre bottom, you will see my chio camera.
(lol, probably the first time a camera is called chio)

Me2: Awwww... I feel sorry for the dsi camera. Being dissed infront of its rival as well... the AWESOME PINK NIKON CAMERA!!

Yes, I am aware everything in that photo has pink.

Pink is a sweet color. :)

The photoframe, nailpolish and pen holder (wtf, I forgot what it is called) was from my friends. As well as the pens inside the pen-holder.

The mega-cute pink heart cushion is from mummmyyyyyy >< ILY!!!

And the camera was from dadddyyyy >< ILY 2!!!



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