Sunday, 13 November 2011

heliocentric or geocentric?

fiiinallly, I have finished 0.000001 part of PART 1 ONLY.

so it is part of this assignment named heliocentric or geocentric and it is very very annoying and ffing hard.

part 1 includes:
~history of the models
~problems with geocentric model
~discoveries to convine people of heliocentric model
~why heliocentricism was fiercely opposed
~the BEST diagrams (literally says so on sheet)

and then, there is part 2
this has to have:
~outline ideas of ATLEAST one other culture regarding space and our place in it
~list of sources

It has to be 4-6 A4 pages.

OMG, I just realised I stopped using proper puctuation. Must maintain formality. Punctuation.

I have done 1 page- just the history thing in part 1.

Oh yes,
there are frickin bonus marks for a timeline.

Which means everyone in my class will do it (they are all nerds). Which means I will have a relatively lower mark if I don't. Which means I MUST do it.

ffing bloody hell.

I do not have any hint of bad language. :P

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