Thursday, 17 November 2011

Happy Birthday to Me!!!

So... a few days ago last week was my birthday.

It was soooo awkward. But, really fun and exciting in a way. I got presents from both parents, and my friends all got me something as well.

That EXTREMELY CLEAR AWESOME ARTSY SHOW-OFF-ISH PHOTO was taken by my new camera!!! If only it can take photos of itself... !!

And this blurry blurry photo was taken from my dsi camera.
Oh well...
If you look near the centre bottom, you will see my chio camera.
(lol, probably the first time a camera is called chio)

Me2: Awwww... I feel sorry for the dsi camera. Being dissed infront of its rival as well... the AWESOME PINK NIKON CAMERA!!

Yes, I am aware everything in that photo has pink.

Pink is a sweet color. :)

The photoframe, nailpolish and pen holder (wtf, I forgot what it is called) was from my friends. As well as the pens inside the pen-holder.

The mega-cute pink heart cushion is from mummmyyyyyy >< ILY!!!

And the camera was from dadddyyyy >< ILY 2!!!



Wednesday, 16 November 2011


I was wondering...
say you were some sort of hero (or hero-ess?).
now, you could save 1000 people by sacrificing 100.

would you do it?

is it morally RIGHT?

once you have decided to do it, will you feel guilty forever?

but, if you were in the sacrificial 100 group what would you feel?
To be honest, I would feel scared and sulky. :P
But, during my last moments, I will feel... prideful... I suppose. I will feel happy that my life has been put to good use. After all, with my one life, I had saved 10 others.

What if you were part of the 1000 people saved?
I would feel soooo totally guiltyyyy!!!!!

So is the 'operation-to-save-1000-by-sacrificing-100' good or bad?

Wtf, whyyy the hell am I talking about this?

Bye ^^

Sunday, 13 November 2011

heliocentric or geocentric?

fiiinallly, I have finished 0.000001 part of PART 1 ONLY.

so it is part of this assignment named heliocentric or geocentric and it is very very annoying and ffing hard.

part 1 includes:
~history of the models
~problems with geocentric model
~discoveries to convine people of heliocentric model
~why heliocentricism was fiercely opposed
~the BEST diagrams (literally says so on sheet)

and then, there is part 2
this has to have:
~outline ideas of ATLEAST one other culture regarding space and our place in it
~list of sources

It has to be 4-6 A4 pages.

OMG, I just realised I stopped using proper puctuation. Must maintain formality. Punctuation.

I have done 1 page- just the history thing in part 1.

Oh yes,
there are frickin bonus marks for a timeline.

Which means everyone in my class will do it (they are all nerds). Which means I will have a relatively lower mark if I don't. Which means I MUST do it.

ffing bloody hell.

I do not have any hint of bad language. :P

Saturday, 12 November 2011

The Vengeful Rapunzel

Once upon a time, there was a pretty young princess of the country Aevyan. She had long, flowing golden hair, and stunning, sparking blue eyes. However, she was a petty and petulant as well, and was often quite sulky and vengeful. She lived in a castle near the sea.

One chill night, invaders came from across the ocean. Though there were plenty of soldiers protecting the country, they were ill-trained, as the country had been in peace for generations. The invading army, from Midafore, easily conquered the rich country. In that night, the king and queen both died.

The princess, called Phaerya, was shocked. The princess was out sulking in a secluded cottage when the attack happened. She developed a deep, bitter loathing for Midafore, and vowed revenge.

~~~two years passed~~~

Phaedra was taking care of herself in the cottage. It wasn't hard, since the cottage had enough food to last ten people for a century. There was a small stream nearby, which she used to take water from. However, since no-one was there to do her hair, her hair grew much much longer.
A handsome young nobleman's parents just died to an assassin. He had been following misleading clues to find the assassin, and he arrived as Phaeya's cottage. So he knocked on the door, and demanded that it be opened.

Phaedra decided that her time for revenge has come. She coated her long hair in a lethal poison which seeps through skin. The poison cannot be cured, and is fatal to anyone who even faintly touches it. Just as she finished, someone knocked on the door. It was a handsome young man, from Midafore's nobility. She put gloves on, and hanged her hair out of the window.

The young man grew impatient. Suddenly, he spotted movement inside the house. Looking into the window, he spotted a mirror, reflecting a beautiful young girl/woman. She was hanging her hair out the window, and he raced to catch the tip before it touched the ground. He snatched it up just as the stunning girl turned around.

They both fell in love at first sight. Then, Phaedra glanced down and saw the young noble holding her hair. "No..." she wailed.

Phaedra told the nobleman's son that her hair was poisoned. He immediately recoiled, as she continued to listlessly describe the poison's properties. Then the man's eyes hardened.

"I thought I found true love. But no. Now I get it. That poison was the same which YOU used TO KILL MY PARENTS!" he shouted.

"What...? I had never left this secluded place since Midafore's invasion of Aevyan... you accuse me...?" whimpered the girl.

"So be it." With those final words, the man reached into his coat, and took out a fine, gilded dagger. He thrust it into Phaedra's chest.

So obviously, the couple both died. Sucked in, Rapunzel/Phaedra. :P

hehe, I know, sucky story...
but gloating is fun >:D

So, i watched Tangled on the internet. That girl looked soooo totally prettyy with her hair long and blonde.

However, her short brown hair is so ugly. It makes her look 10 years older, and give the impression of her being a retarded monkey.

Eww. Short hair is sooo over-rated.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

maths test tmrow.
gotta study.


Tuesday, 8 November 2011


Busy, busy.

On Friday, there is a friken maths test...

On Friday, the fricken science assignment was due...

Today, the dance for PE was performed...
it was cool :DD

*back to depressed, sulky tone*

Birthday lollies are given out monthly by our year advisor. In january, the party bags were almost bursting!!

Now, in November (my birthday), there are a mere 5 lollies. D:

And the wrapping is just tissue paper. Tied with a plastic string.

I HATE SCHOOL. i Wish hOliDaYs werE stArtINg WaaAYy soOner.


iiiiiiii          aaaaammmm         ssssooooooooo   pppppiiiiiiissssssssssssssseeeedddd
at my school.

If only I could go to England and go to boarding school.
 It sounds fun :)

Monday, 7 November 2011

First Photo :DD

Why hello there,
This is my very very first photo of myself using MY NEW PINK CAMERA!!! :D

Here it is:

Yes, I am in a bathroom.


No-one cares, Ilena. :L
(PS, that's what you can call me).

This photo is totally unedited. At all. There is not even the fake real bunny.

Ahhh, sigh...
why is my skin so dark...?


Sunday, 6 November 2011


I am going to post up a picture of me. It is taken from my DSi camera, which is slightly dodgyy.

I do not have makeup (only lip balm, which hardly counts), and have not editted myself. I have only made the picture brighter (slightly) so brightness is 55%.




















 I am so not bothered to type more asterisks. ><


Oh yes, and the little bunny thing is actually there!!

K, not really...
the rabbit, the bubbles, and the heart things are fake. But, I am completely un-makeuped, and un-photoshopped, or anything else.

This is the first and last time a picture of me would be posted up.


JKs (though no-one really cares), I have gotten a new camera!!!

So no more blurry pictures from my DS!

No more UHOs (unidentified human objects)!!

My new camera is the baby pink "Coolpix L23" from Nikon. :)

Daddy bought it for me for my bday!!! (why do I sound like a daddy's girl?)

It is my dad's birthday present for me! (that sounds a lot less petulant-ish)

I am soooo happy!!!!!!!!!!

I love my dad. :) <3<3<3

Friday, 4 November 2011

Goodbye free time...

Sigh... sooo much to do on the weekends!!!

So there is a maths yearly test coming up, which classes will be divided by. To drop out of the top class would be sooo embarrassing!!! ><

Then, there is heaps of maths homework.

Plus, there is another english assignment, which is done in pairs. Sadly, I agreed to finish it by Saturday.

Allssoooo, there is a huge science assignment which I have to write 4 to 6 pages.

And then, there is music, which I agreed to finish before noon, TOMORROW!!!


Stuff you, school work. Especially assignments.

I hope that all assignments get replaced by test next year.
At least for tests, it doesn't take up my PRECIOUS, HOME TIME. =.=

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Teacher strike= me play :)

So today, there was a strike be teachers.
I am sooo frickin happy!!
Since the strike was on for two hours, I could've missed the first two periods of school. And I did ^^

Sadly, the last three periods were really boring and bludge. They were languages, VA, and more languages.
I am doing mandarin (Chinese) for languages.

In period 3:
~finished illness poster
~started minesweeper
~teacher almost saw me playing

In period 4:
~had sub for VA
I am so happy: the sub is wayyy nicer than my normal art teacher. sorry, i forgot the subs name, but she was young, european and tall. The normal art teacher (Ms. Naylor) is an old haagggg.
Ms Jane Naylor, the art teacher of NSG.

I hope she doesn't read this.
Oh well...

Anyways, in period 5:
~had mando again
~played strange apparently mandarin game with paper dominoes

I am still so happy :DD

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Bahh... sucky hotmail

Today, I was going to check my personal email at hotmail.

When I tried to sign into msn, the thing was blocked.
A random notice was like 'you need to verify this, because of blah blah blah...'
So I clicked the 'verify' button.

Surprise, surprise.
To verify my account, and to start to be able to use hotmail again, I had to give in my sms (or something) number.
Which, coincidentally, may COST ME MONEY!!

wtf, hotmail is seriously stuffed.


Monday, 31 October 2011

Guess what?

I ate half a pizza.
aka 4 slices.

The sad thing is however, I NEVER NOTICED!!! :o

I did not feel overly full or anything.

I must be becoming like one of those people who can eat 6 hamburgers for one meal. :L

Oh well.
The pizza, traditional-flavoured, tasted nice

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Typical Saturday

So I woke at around 6am, and started eating... IN BED :D.
nom nom nom
I ate: a mango
         a tub of yogurt
         some coconut bread
         a glass of milk
         some lollies
As I was eating, I took pictures of the mango with yogurt on it. Maybe I'll post it up.
But I am not a good photographer. Too impatient.
Plus, mango+yogurt looked too yummy in real life, so I ate it. ><

I got up at 10. Why did I take so long just to eat... but then, I was reading as well. :P

I did morning stuff til 10:30, then I opened the computer.
Please congratulate me, as I finished maths homework by 11:30 !!!!! Yay!!!!! lol

Then I had a lunch of dumplings, and watched chinese TV to around... 2?
Afterwards, I went back on the computer.

I searched up random stuff, and bludged time until 5pm.
Then I was like, oh, it's five already.
I should practice piano, since I'm going to have a piano lesson tomorrow. but... I'll just finish reading the internet tabs I've got open.
Just until half-past five. :)
As I was reading, I got side-tracked, and clicked and opened other windows and tabs.

                                             TURN OFF THE BLOODY COMPUTER AT 5PM .

OR ELSE, THE MAD SURGEON IN THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE (horror movie) WILL COME!!!                                                                                             

Mwahahahaha... *evil crazy cackle*

Friday, 28 October 2011

A Sad Life :L

Guess who I am:
I cannot be seen, and cannot speak.
From the moment when I was born, I work and work endlessly, WITHOUT PAY until I die
I am in you RIGHT NOW!!! :O


I am a blood cell.
what a lame guess-who...

but still. Being a blood cell must be quite sad. They don't even get recognised for their work. And, they have millions and millions of twins.

And the worst thing is having a blood test.
Then, since they can't escape, they get drawn into a bottle. In the bottle, they die. :(

And I had a blood test!!
Just a regular checkup,
then the doctor was like 'You know, when was the last time you had a blood test?'
so I replied 'I'm not sure... quite a while ago, I suppose...'
then she was like 'oh, oh, in that case, GO HAVE A FUCKING BLOOD TEST NOW!!! *evil eyes*'
so I went

It wasn't that bad, there was hardly any pain.
In fact, I think papercuts are more painful.

But still... the sad life of a blood cell... imagine...
you are born (wtf... :L)
you float around the body
you carry shitloads of random good stuff to other cells...
the other cells take the good stuff, and give you bad stuff...
you can't breathe, oxygen is running out...
you arrive at the lungs/heart/whatever, and get rid of bad stuff...
and get loaded with good stuff... for others...
you do the same work again and again...
until, one day...
a sharp needle pokes through.
you think to yourself this is my chance to prove how heroic I am! I will become the hero, and be KNOWN ! I will stand out from my brother cells and sister cells (if there is such thing...)!!! CHARGE (sound of galloping horse echoes...) !!!

... but...

as you get there, you find yourself pulled along, INTO the needle!
you madly try to paddle away, but the force is too great...oh no...

So, the rest of the story is easy. You die, in the end. TT
and no-one is there to mourn you, much less give you a funeral...


how sad.

plus, from the blood test, I now have an ugly blue-red-ish bruise on my arm.


Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Tissue in the Jungle

This is going to be a short-ish post. So anyways, ever wondered how jungle people live? Well, as I was sneezing into a tissue, I thought people without people must be very sad.
Then I wondered whether those jungle tribes had tissue.

I mean, who doesn't use tissue. People use it to wipe mouths, sneeze in (well, I suppose handkerchiefs could be used, but still...), wipe PRIVATE areas, wipe hands, wipe tables and such.
Plus, it makes me feel SAFER knowing that if I make a mess, there will be TISSUE for me :)

Sigh... Living in the jungle must be hard. I suppose that jungle tribes don't have tissue. I mean, how likely is it that a tribe who roams around jungles would bother carrying huge rolls of tissue around?
Do they even know how to make it? And if they did, would they bother?

Seriously, do jungle tribes have tissue? I suppose they could make it out of... leaves!?! Or bark or grass or something. But it would probably have wayyyy different uses for what I use it for. Plus, it would be more valuable (than tissue from supermarkets).

Hmm... IF I was an adamant nature lover, I would go to Africa, and find a random tribe to ask the questions to. But, as I am NOT, I won't.

But really. Do people living in jungles have tissue?

Monday, 24 October 2011

Different Treatment of Colds

Sigh... remember as a child, when I had a cold, everyone would be so worried. Like, mum would take me to see the doctors, and I would get 3 days off school. And I got specially made congee, and had sweet-tasting medicine.
Now, it is sooooo different.
I have a cold, though it is spring. Anyways, so mum heard me sniffling and somewhat coughing. She was like , 'You have a cold?', and I nodded. Then she was like, 'Oh, I told you to wear a jumper! Now you have a stupid cold. I am NOT taking you to the doctors, as getting that cold is your own fault!'
And she didn't even ask me how I felt. How mean!!!!!!!

Ahh... nostalgia...
Before, everyone at school was like, 'Oh, how are you feeling now?'. And the teacher always asked as well. Now, I don't even get a day off school. And students and teachers give you weird looks when you sneeze, and when you blow your nose.

Anyway, I have to do a history assignment due this Thursday. I AM SOOOO SAD!!!!!
~English assignment
~Maths homework
~Maths topic test
~Maths term test
~History assignment
~Music assignment/video
~Woodworks task
~Woodworks sheets
~Science assignment...
Sigh... over the weekends, I only finished the Science assignment...

Worst of all, basically all the assignments are 'Group Work'. And I agreed that I will give my part of the history assignment today, by 5:30pm. However, I have done only half of my part. :O

Now is 5:07. I should get to work.

I really don't want to...

Oh shit. It is 5:08. No more time-wasting.


OMFG- It is 5:09.

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Ho Hum :)

This is my first ever post on a blog. Hopefully, it isn't too bad... if anyone dies, I am NOT paying for their funeral fees and such. :P
Right now, I feel sleepy. I know, I know, it is early yet, but still... today's Friday.
So... notice that I am using proper punctuation. As this is the first post, I think that it should be formal, yes?
What happened today: I woke up at 6.
Then, I left to go to school at 7:30.
Later, I got to school at 8:35-ish.
At school, my periods today (Friday, Week B) were languages, history, maths, maths, and English. *Sniff, sniff* I had double maths today......
But oh well. In English, we had wide reading. We went up to the library, and read books... duh!
I feel very... annoyed, because I have read this really long series with really thick books. Then, the author died before he could write the supposed last book. :O
So, this new author came along. *phew*
Sadly, for the original author's ONE book, he says that it is too long; he is going to divide it up into THREE. And guess what? The three books are much much much much much bigger than the previous books in the series... I DO NOT WANT TO CARRY THREE HEAVY BOOKS IN MY SCHOOL BAG LIKE A HOBO!!! DX

Today is Saturday.
Hehehehehe... awkward laugh... I forgot to publish this...

But to end this post happily, guess what? Today, I ate onion rings (the chip things)